Gifted-class application a test in itself (Metro NY)

Still nothing on the direct-link front, so to read my weekly Metro NY op-ed, you’ll need to continue to resort to the page image version. This week’s topic: the recent changes to the city’s Gifted and Talented program, and my experiences (or as the Metro changed it to read, “your” experiences – apparently they don’t teach differences between the specific and the universal in J-school) trying to even find a copy of a practice test for my son:

Here’s how it went when one parent of a soon-to-be kindergartener – that’d be me – tried last week to apply for the city’s new, streamlined Gifted and Talented program. The application form is on the Department of Education’s website. Find it, download it and note that while the application is there, the practice test is not.

Instead, you must head down to your local Neighborhood Enrollment Office… [read more]

(One other correction to an editing error: While I myself went to the Neighborhood Enrollment Office, forms should be available from local district offices as well.)