Survival Guides — now complete, online!

I’m happy to report that contrary to what I said yesterday, my entire article profiling low-income New Yorkers and how they make ends meet is now available online via the City Limits website. You can find links to all six sections here, or if you prefer individual links to each chapter, be my guest:

  1. The Poor Have Numbers. Do They Count?
  2. Even Entrepreneurs Need Food Stamps
  3. From Blue-Collar to the Welfare Line
  4. One Woman’s Plan to Beat Poverty
  5. Sharon’s Homework: Self-Sufficiency
  6. What Would Help Poor New Yorkers? Take Your Pick

You can also still order a print or electronic copy as well, but the new issue isn’t in the ordering system just yet. So if you want to see all the nice charts and photos, just hold tight and I’ll post an alert when your money is good here.