How NYC Gave Hundreds of Millions to the Yankees and an Oil Baron Sheikh for the Willets Point Soccer Stadium—No Questions Asked | Hell Gate

On February 21, Queens City Councilmembers Robert Holden and Vickie Paladino sent a letter to the New York City Independent Budget Office about the proposed New York City FC soccer stadium in Willets Point, which was one piece of the … Continue reading

Top 16 Euphemisms US Headline Writers Used for Police Beating the Shit Out of People | FAIR

“After Curfew, Detroit Police Act Aggressively to Disperse Protesters Who Refused to Leave” (Detroit Free Press, 5/31/20) “Minneapolis Officers Use More Aggressive Tactics Against Protesters as Rallies Flare Around US” (NBC News, 5/31/20) “An Agitated Trump Encourages Governors to Use … Continue reading

How Genuine is Cuomo’s Commitment to the Progressive Agenda? | City Limits

Cynthia Nixon’s concession speech following last month’s gubernatorial primary was remarkable in part for how little it conceded. Instead, the losing candidate declared victory — in getting Gov. Andrew Cuomo to support recreational marijuana legalization, untying teacher evaluations from student … Continue reading