If you missed my two-night musical tour of Brooklyn back in January, here’s your chance to make amends: I’ll be performing a set in support of the insanely fabulous Tatters and Rags (descendants of the equally fabulous The Victoria Lucas) at 11 pm sharp at Pete’s Candy Store in Williamsburg, next Wednesday, May 19. And I’ll be accompanied for the occasion by David Dyte on slide guitar, making this an incredibly rare partial reunion of the never-lived band 37 Dead Clerks (no MySpace link, sorry — what part of “never-lived” didn’t you understand?).
Tatters and Rags is the headliner but actually goes on first, making me the … closing act? The appendix? In any case, show up for their set at 10, as you won’t regret it. And we’ll all be done by midnight, I promise, so no need for worries there.